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Experiential marketing involves all the consumers senses in communicating and understanding the brand. 


Correct experiential marketing does not need a larger budget, or new consumers - it is utilising the existing better. 


CPR wants to make the consumer feel. Especially today, with marketing overloa and ease of reach, it is important to give the consumer something new, a feeling. 


In order to strengthen experiential marketing, CPR works both On line and Off line


To experience our projects scroll down: 

XBLADE - experiential marketing project


CPR was hired to create a unique promotional project for XBLADE, the shaving knives brand.

The star of the field project was the same actor as in their TV and online commercial, prenteding to be a news agent, intervewing the public on the issue of quality of life and the high cost of living in Israel. Each intervewee was surprised to find out the high cost they are currently paying for shaving accessories, offering XBLADE as a cost effective alternative in conclusion.

XBLADE selling their merchendise online, needed field marketing to move the customers to shop online. To further move the clients, CPR especially built an application that allows each interviewee to seek the product through facebook.

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Promotional ACtivity - Negev Beer


CPR Group first work for Negev Beer, an Israeli southern local beer, crowned as the best Israeli beer by RateBeer website.

CPR was hired by Negev beer for a long term promotional activit across Tel Aviv and more, promoting the beer creatively.

Prom - experiential marketing, Dizengoff Center

American Prom has finally arrived to Israel.

CPR was hired by Dizengoff Center and Designers Fair to organise a prom fair in preperation for school prom, now popular in all schools across israel. 


CPR thought of the most creative ways to reach highschool seniors. A unique video invitation was sent to all senior girls' phones, while recruiting popular teenage famous artists to promote the party at the beach, in select parties. CPR even built a journalist and paparazzi wall so that seniors can come, take princess like accessories, and have their pictures taken. 


CPR designed promotional posters and flyers given away in popular hangout areas across the city. 


Online, CPR posted on facebook utilizing Dizengoff's center's wide reach promoting special discounts through facebook.

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Youth Center Launch - City of Raanana


While the center has yet to fully launch, the city of Raanana took on CPR to begin the promotion of the new initative, maintaining a modern and sophisticated brand for the youth of the city.

CPR produced a unique live preformance event which included sponsors such as Tuburg bear, Stoli Vodka, and the Red Band and DJ Rotem X.

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HaMashbir - Springfield brand


With police giving fines to youth on inapropriate dress, CPR took on a new experiential branding project, giving away fines to girls not wearing Springfield brand. Each fine placed the young girl or boy in a sweepstake to potentiall win 1000 shekels to shop for the brand. 


Young girls discovered a new brand, and the brand enjoyed a unique method of branding and marketing through CPR.

Pop-up Shop, Ariel Sharon Park, Trash People International Exhibition 


Ariel Sharon Park produced the talked about exhibition Trash People, and requested CPR to manage and brand a pop-up shop that will sell park momentos. .

'Country/City' Pub launch- Ramat Hachayal

A unique marketing activity for the launch fo a unique pub. CPR creative placed 'pioneers' from the first days of Israel, promoting the new pub. CPR's role was to make sure youth choose the pub over the many surrounding options, which it did successfully though the unique branding, experiential marketing, and concept.

Leading Research - Clalit Asthetics 


According to client needs, CPR went back to the Hard Sale tactic to bring quality leads. 

Our employees travel and work throughout our and other events to bring new quality leads, knowing that leads are not just a phone number, but moving the client to act and choose Clalit Asthetics. 

A beautiful partnership. 


Umbrella Giveaway - Dizengoff Center


CPR worked with the Dizengoff Center management on promoting shopping during the winter. The mall's management printed over 10,000 branded umbrellas but was at a loss on how to best distribute. 


CPR's creatively planned the distribution. Live winter fairy walked around giving the umbrellas away, alongside set distribution activity areas designed with branded graphics to offer children and families with photography activities to accompany the branding of the umbrellas. 


All photos created were uploaded to the facebook page of the mall, to accompany offline experiential marketing with online marketing.

Culinary weekends 


CPR organised a series of weekends in top hotels including Daniel Dead Sea, Shizan Hertzelia, Leonardo Privellage Eilat.


Each weeekend included top chef shows, and seminars. Some of the chefs included Israel Aharoni, Shaul Adrat, Dudu Otmazgin, Frank Azulai, and Avi Levi winner of the Israeli Master Chef.


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Sea and Science Festival 


CPR continued the tradition of the Sea and Science Festival with Rupin College and Mevuot Yam, on one of Israel's most beautiful beachest.


Sea and Science Festival welcomes all agest, especially families and children, showcasing the sea as an endless source of scientific research and information. 


CPR organised family activities based on research preformed at Rupin College including a photography exhibition, lectures, professional meetings, viewing a station for saving sea turtles, walking tours of the beaches, and microscopic iewings of the campus labs. 


CPR even brought in Dani Rup, Israel's leading television weather anchor. 


Families enjoyed listening to war stories at the sea, susen music preformances, and many family activities.


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