CPR Group initiates events and is hired by many Israeli municipalities, due to the group's wide experience in wide community public events. Often municipalities contact the group, and many times the group comes to municipalities with new exciting ideas.

Pentecost celebration with the Israeli president - City of Lod
The Israeli President, Reuven Riblin, started a new tradition in his time as president. Alongside the Sukkah in Jerusalem, a Sukkah was set up in Lod, making the city of Lod the first to host the traveling Sukkah of the president, adding great hope and pride to the city of Lod.
The city of Lod hired CPR Group to manage the 'Sukkah of the President" event. CPR built 6 areas, each representing a different part of the city of Lod, including the fund for Lod's development, youth center, and the student centre. Two large children's area were built, with children's activities, arts seminars, and storytelling areas.
CPR advised on the artistic content, suppliers, licensing, safety and security, and more
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Live Fridays - summer events of Tel Aviv's port
In April the city of Tel Aviv came to CPR to produce its outdoors events, in order to brand the local port as the hottest place in the city, and provide a new entertainment for the weekend. With Kazo Music, specialising in artistic management, Live Fridays started.
CPR and its partners created a new atmosphere for the port, with a special music line up in partnership with BPM and Chalilit. The music line up included a special imporomptu jam session, and blues jam.
Alongside the music, a designers and artists fair offers the best of Israeli design.
Other events included childrens' shows and more.
Fridays now attract thousdands to the port each Friday to enjoy the experience of music by the old city, the sea, and the designers fair.

Florentin Street Party
CPR organised the first ever legal party in Florentin.
Six years ago, a trandition began in the neighberhood of florentin, holding street parties for the silvester, Purim and Israeli Independence day. The parties quickly grew, to Israeli police estimates, to over 40,000 people in each event. With the events being illegal, the damages quickly came, at the expense of locals to the neighberhood.
Hod Gilboa, CEO of CPR Group, as a past resident of the neighberhood, understood the need for an organised licensed party. Hod partnered with local buisnesses including Erez Dasa, Perla Bar, Niso Michelle, Florentin 10, and Odded Freiden, Satchmo Bar, Mate. The group cooperated with the City of Tel Aviv and Israeli Police to create a lisenced, organised, and safe street party.
The process benefited all parties, from the police and the city, seeing a safe and professional party, to the local business owners, to the party gowers.
The parties held over 50,000 people and are considered to be the largest organised street parties in Israel.
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פסטיבל פורימי מהאגדות לעיריית רמת גן
קבוצת CPR הפיקה וניהלה עבור עיריית רמת גן יום של פסטיבל לפורים (05/03)
האחד, הפיכת רחוב ביאליק בעיר למדרחוב הופעותו, פעילות הקפית, דוכני יריד, אמני שטח, פסלים אנושים ודמויות שטח, זאת לאורך כל אורכו.
השני, הפנינג הופעות חיות ומסיבה במתחם הבורסה ברמת גן עם הופעות חיות ממיטב האומנים לילדים
האירועים עברו בהצלחה גדולה ובהשתתפות של עשרות אלפי תושבי רמת גן.
העיר רמת גן קיבלה בתקציב שפוי שכלל הרבה מחשבות מחוץ לקופסא, הן מבחינה אומנותית והן מבחינת תשתיות, פסטיבל פורימי מדהים.
ושוב העלנו את הדופק לתושבי רמת גן באירוע מושקע, מהנה, יפה ומוצלח
לחץ לסרטון

Launch of Youth Center- City of Raanana
CPR managed and produced the opening event for the City of Raanana's new youth center. CPR Provided the city with a marketing and distribution plan through beverage franchisers and PR companies.
CPR found the location adjacent to the new center, an abandoned basketball court, making an unused area suddenly exciting.
CPR further took on every logistical aspect of putting on the event, including licensing.
CPR was successful in creating the largest youth event for
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Indi City Jerusalem
Indi City, a series of single shot videos documenting side-bar quality music in various areas of the city. In the past two years, two such events were held in Tel Aviv, which saw over 20,000 people, and 350 thousand views on youtube.
CPR partnered with the director Betina Feinstein and the City of Jerusalem Youth committee to host such an event in the city of Jerusalem.
The event included months of pre-airing of the videos on various TV channels such as 8 and 24, and on El Al Flights. Street events will follow, including discounted accomodations, and discounts in various local businesses.
Street events included two stages, hosting back to back non stop live shows, surrounded by food booths, lounge areas, and a headphones party to top it off. The events concluded with indi bands preformances spread around local bars to encourage the arts, local businesses, and as a direct continuation to the fair.
CPR is very proud to be the group organising the first ever indi festival in jerusalem, hosting over 10,000.

Ramat Gan City Festival
CPR Group in partnership with Kazo Music Services produced and managed a two day festival for the city of Ramat Gan.
CPR organised a street fair across Bialik street in the center of the city, with booths, street artists, living statues, all along the street.
CPR organised a festival with live performances, and street party with famous bands such as Mercedes Band with Ninet, EZ, Aulters, and more.
The festival saw tens of thousands of Ramat Gan Residents.
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Indi City Tel Aviv
In 2011 22 single shot videos portraying new bands and music were produced in partnership with the city of Tel Aviv and Channel 8. The series focused on Tel Aviv's diversity through music, encouraging the ever growing indi community in Tel Aviv.
Following the success of the event, CPR and the city of Tel Aviv produced an Indi City Live event on Tel Aviv's famous city wide youth night, the White Night.
CPR built two stages, had 14 bands preforming live music back to back, promoting the indi scene in showcasing top talents and new talents to be discovered. Some of the artists showcased included Geva Alon, Rockfore, Izbo,Noam Rotem, Uzi Remirez, Yael Dekelbaum, Electra, Etliz, Jack in the Box, The Aprons with Ram Orion, and many more.
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Series of street party - city of Holon
When CPR took on the job of producing youth events in partnership with the city of Holon, the first thought was what do they like? what DJs do they love? what attractions would be new?
CPR produced a one of a kind event, including two of the best DJs, DJ JUVI and DJ Ido, a hip hop area with preformances by professional dancers, a jam area with local young bands, and a bikepart to showcase the best local talents.
To top it all off CPR built a special omega park for the event.
The party went on through the day, with a headphone party for all to enjoy.