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About CPR Group

How was CPR created?

In 2008 three graduates and active student association leaders in Rupin College, Israel, decided that the right place for them is in events and experiential marketing. 


Because that is where their heart, and passion are, they know how to surprise, excite, and make people’s heart race. 



CPR’s journey

From the start CPR Group did things differently, with a vision for the future, emphasis on creating something new, taking risks, and pushing creative to the extreme.

CPR Group began its work managing and producing student days, followed by festivals, corporate events, street parties, civic events, online activities, and creating projects never seen before in the world of experiential events.



Who we are?

We are young, but everything is relative in life,  we are eager, creative, professional, never settle, and more than anything we love to make your heart race!


Why make everything look the same – we are not here to help you sleep better.



Today the company is under the ownership of Hod Gilboa. Hod Gilboa, local to Tel Aviv, holds a BA in Business Management with specialization in marketing.

Hod continues to lead the company emphasizing breakthrough creativity in both the virtual world and the field events, while providing VIP services to each client.

תודה רבה. נשיב בהקדם

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מעון 5, ת"א | טלפון: 077-5001707  |  פקס: 077-5021707

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